Foram encontrados 214 sinónimos nos 30 grupos
  1. 1
    Significado: armour
    defence bastion resistance preservation stand guard aegis
  1. 2
    Significado: shelf
    ledge counter bench stand
    booth board trestle
  2. 3
    Significado: allow
    abide bear endure put up with
    stand brook suffer submit to
  3. 4
    Significado: platform
    stage dais stand grandstand
  4. 5
    Significado: arise
    ascend rise climb stand
    mount come up go up
  1. 6
    Significado: endure
    tolerate undergo bear stand
    put up with stomach support go through
  2. 7
    Significado: bear
    abide brook endure stand
    suffer forbear take stomach
  3. 8
    Significado: pose
    attitude deportment colour stance
    posture stand circumstances position
  4. 9
    Significado: balance
    stand hover equilibrate poise
  5. 10
    Significado: grove
    stand forest wood
    growth crop copse
  6. 11
    Significado: lectern
    pulpit stand rostrum platform
    desk furniture podium
  7. 12
    Significado: meet
    experience encounter confront
    stand face come upon
  8. 13
    Significado: go up
    ascend rise climb stand
    mount arise come up
  9. 14
    Significado: stand up
    stand rise stretch out arise straighten up
  10. 15
    Significado: undergo
    experience endure abide stand
    bear suffer receive
  11. 16
    Significado: toleration
    sustain endure tolerate bear stand
    stomach undergo permit suffer
  12. 17
    Significado: set up
    stand build up put up
    assemble raise erect
  13. 18
    Significado: action
    support bear shoulder stand
    suffer sustain brace carry
  14. 19
    Significado: podium
    pulpit stand rostrum platform
    desk furniture lectern
  15. 20
    Significado: thing
    shelf ledge counter trestle
    stand booth board bench
  16. 21
    Significado: process
    endure hold bear sustain undergo
    outlast weather continue stand
  17. 22
    Significado: conflict
    oppose resist confront compete withstand
    face meet encounter stand
  18. 23
    Significado: activity
    erect place put
    set fix stand
  19. 24
    Significado: nature
    grove copse forest wood
    growth crop stand
  20. 25
    Significado: opinion
    attitude belief position view
    sentiment notion determination stand
  21. 26
    Significado: position
    stance pose poise place
    post spot station stand
  22. 27
    Significado: viewpoint
    standpoint outlook position stand
    attitude bias perspective
  23. 28
    Significado: deed
    striving push labour exertion
    stand pains effort
  24. 29
    Significado: perspective
    stand point of view position posture
    viewpoint outlook opinion attitude
  25. 30
    Significado: movement
    ascend rise climb stand
    mount come up go up arise

ᐅ Ver todos os sinônimos de stand | Significados e palavras semelhantes

Sinónimos anteriores e posteriores stand

  • stalwart
  • stalwartness
  • stamina
  • stammer
  • stammering
  • stamp
  • stamped
  • stampede
  • stance
  • stanch
  • stand
  • stand for
  • stand in
  • stand up
  • stand-in
  • stand-off
  • stand-offish
  • standard
  • standardise
  • standardised
  • standardize